Pool Season
Pool Season – mid-May through September
Pool Access and Operations
The pool gates will be open for self-entry. You need a key to enter and exit the pool. You must have your pool key, pool band (for each patron) and pool pass. Periodic checks will take place regularly. Anyone without these items will be asked to leave. You will be permitted to return once you obtain the necessary items. Additional pool bands can be purchased from the office during our regular office hours. If you need additional pool bands for the weekends, you must make arrangements prior to 4 p.m. on Friday. Normal pool hours are 10am-10pm daily. Watch for announcements regarding special hours for cleaning and weather-related closings, etc. on the app, Facebook group, and/or via email. Please note that we are not responsible for any items – including, but not limited to, clothing, toys and lifesavers left at the pool.
Pool Rules and Regulations
- Absolutely NO alcohol
- Absolutely NO smoking/vaping in pool area
- No glass
- No pets
- No running or excessive rough housing
- No objects are to be thrown/passed in the pool area due to risk of hitting other parties
- All patrons under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult
- Children must be potty trained to swim in the pool
- No confetti or glitter in or around the pool
- You must have your pool permit and each patron must have a green wristband
- Any outside guests must be accompanied by a homeowner/resident of this community
- Be mindful of behavior and language, there are a lot of minors in our community that frequent the pool